Bachelors (BS) in Biochemistry
Degree Outcomes
Graduates with a BS in biochemistry will:
- Be able to describe the fundamental principles in major chemistry and biochemistry subdisciplines
- Demonstrate proficiency with modern biochemical techniques
- Critically evaluate data and design experiments to test relevant biochemical hypotheses
- Critically read and evaluate primary literature related to the field
- Develop oral and written communication skills for long-term professional success
- Articulate a spiritually mature worldview
Major Requirements
Complete the following:
Complete the following:
Complete the following:
Choose one of the following:
Choose one of the following sequences:
Choose three of the following:
Philosophy: The opportunity to pursue a chemistry thesis is an honor. Consequently, the thesis option will be noted on a student's transcript. The thesis is designed to enhance a student's preparation for graduate or professional school. The heart of the thesis is original research conducted under the guidance of a chemistry faculty member.
Eligibility: The thesis option may be pursued by any chemistry major in good academic standing. Students wishing to pursue a thesis must:
- Consult with their research advisor about an acceptable research project.
- In writing, notify the chemistry thesis committee (composed of the chemistry department faculty) of their intention to conduct research. The thesis committee must receive notification by the end of the fall semester of the student's junior year.
After the beginning of the spring semester of a student's junior year, students must petition the department thesis committee for permission to pursue thesis research. Students who pursue the thesis option must:
- Enroll in at least 1 hour of Chemical Research (CHEM 465) each semester, beginning the spring semester of their junior year, through the spring semester of their senior year.
- Submit the first copy of a written thesis to the thesis committee by April 1 of their senior year. The final, edited copy is due to the thesis committee the last day of classes during the spring semester.
- Prepare a poster and give an oral presentation of their research.
In some cases, students may apply research conducted off campus to the CHEM 465 requirement. Students who participate in off-campus research programs may petition the thesis committee for special consideration of the thesis option. The thesis committee must receive the petition by the beginning of the fall semester of the student's senior year. The thesis committee may elect to substitute the off-campus experience for a portion of the CHEM 465 requirement.