
NURS Course Descriptions

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NURS 105 Success Strategies for Pre-Nursing Students

1 credit hour

This course introduces pre-nursing students to critical thinking and problem-solving strategies that will support success in prerequisite courses, the nursing curriculum, and into post-licensure nursing practice. Students will learn study strategies and techniques to raise vital questions, create self-directed study goals, gather and assess relevant information, implement retrieval practices, and self-monitor learning needs. Critical thinking and problem solving strategies will be applied to complex practical scenarios. Course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits total.

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NURS 220 Nutrition Essentials

3 credit hours

This introductory course provides an overview of the fundamental concepts of human nutrition. Subject matter includes descriptions, functions, and sources of nutrients, digestion and absorption, and effects of deficiencies and toxicities. Wellness-based concepts such as dietary guidelines, energy balance and weight control, and the role of nutrition in health and disease are also explored. Prerequisite: BIOL 221 Human Anatomy and Physiology I.

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NURS 275 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This introductory experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

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NURS 285 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

An introductory seminar offered on an occasional basis addressing a current topic in the field that is of special interest to students and current faculty.

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NURS 295 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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NURS 311 Pathophysiology

3 credit hours

This course focuses on conceptual understanding of pathophysiology and associated clinical manifestations of disease, with an emphasis on effective and ineffective adaptation to internal and external environments. This course will explore alterations to the human body at cellular, organ, and systemic levels within the framework of concepts of health and illness. Discussions and applied materials will be directed primarily toward nursing students but may also be useful to others wishing to explore healthcare-related fields. Prerequisites: Semester I standing in the Nursing Program or instructor permission for non-nursing students.

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NURS 312 Pharmacology

3 credit hours

This course provides an overview of the therapeutic use of drugs on humans. Principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics are examined from a conceptual perspective. The molecular and cellular mechanisms of drug action will be explored, as well as specific drug adverse reactions along with appropriate nursing interventions related to medication administration and relevant patient education. Application of nursing pharmacology knowledge is made to clients with selected health and illness problems. Prerequisite: Semester I standing in the Nursing Program or instructor permission for non-nursing students.

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NURS 320 Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice

3 credit hours

This course presents concepts of professional nursing practice emphasizing the role of the nurse as a provider of Christ-centered patient care, member of the health care team, patient safety advocate, coordinator of quality patient care, and critical thinker. Ethical and legal standards of nursing practice across complex and emerging health care settings are explored. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester I standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 330 Essentials for Nursing Practice

6 credit hours

This course provides the beginning concepts and principles for the professional nurse across the healthcare continuum. Students will apply health assessment and fundamental skills utilizing the nursing process and clinical judgment model. Students learn foundational nursing knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to promote physical, biopsychosocial, cultural and spiritual health and wellness across the lifespan. Students integrate and apply clinical judgment principles in delivering basic nursing care. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester I standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 340 Medical-Surgical Nursing I

6 credit hours

This course focuses on nursing care of people experiencing health alterations across the health care continuum. Students will integrate knowledge of clinical data, pharmacologic concepts, and assessment findings to plan, prioritize, implement, and evaluate nursing care. Students will advance their professional role; incorporating clinical judgment with evidence-based practice to ensure quality and safety in patient-centered care. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester II standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 350 Mental Health Nursing

5 credit hours

Focuses on the nursing care of clients with acute and chronic mental illnesses. Promotion, maintenance and restoration of mental health are addressed. Professional, legal and ethical issues in mental health nursing are examined. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester II standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 360 Evidence-based Nursing Practice

3 credit hours

This course is designed to teach evidence-based practice (EBP) skills facilitating continuous quality improvement in nursing practice. Focus is placed on the cyclical process of identifying clinical questions, critically analyzing and synthesizing evidence for potential solutions/innovations, planning and implementing practice changes, evaluating the outcomes, and identifying additional gaps in nursing knowledge. Integration of existing evidence with clinical judgment, patient preferences, interprofessional perspectives, and other resources forms the basis for the clinical decision-making process that is inherent in improving patient, population, and organizational outcomes. Prerequisite: Semester II standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 399 Cross-Cultural Experience

3 credit hours

This course offers in-depth discipline specific cross-cultural study designed to enhance the intercultural emphasis of various academic majors. The course includes class meetings followed by travel to various locations throughout the world. Students will use core disciplinary knowledge to serve, learn and interact with other cultures. Additional course fee is required.

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NURS 400 Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family

5 credit hours

Previous knowledge, skills and professional values are integrated into specialized maternal-child nursing practice. Normal physiological as well as disease processes affecting childbearing women and child-rearing families are examined with an emphasis on health promotion, health maintenance, and whole-person care. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester III standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 410 Trends and Issues in Healthcare

3 credit hours

This course explores contemporary trends and issues influencing current nursing practice. Major foci include the evolution of nursing within changing health care environments, cultural humility with an emphasis on nursing care among diverse and vulnerable populations, and the nurse's role in responding to and creating healthy workplace environments. Prerequisite: Semester III standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 421 Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family

5 credit hours

This course builds on the concepts of previous nursing courses with emphasis on utilizing the Nursing Process in dealing with women's health focusing on the childbearing years, antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum, and the health of newborns. Students will explore the concepts of health promotion, disease prevention, and alterations in health related to women in these phases and the newborn infant. Emphasis is on the whole person care of the client and the family. Management and planning of the Nursing Process will include concepts from a variety of culturally diverse settings to include nursing in the community. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: NURS 302 Nursing Care of Adults with Complex Conditions or by permission of instructor.

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NURS 430 Population Health Nursing

6 credit hours

This course prepares students to apply concepts and processes of population health nursing, with an emphasis on vulnerable populations. In the clinical component of this course, students will work with community partners to assess and meet population needs. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester IV standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 440 Medical-Surgical Nursing II

7 credit hours

This course continues with the focus on nursing care of people experiencing health alterations across the health care continuum. Students will integrate knowledge of clinical data, pharmacologic concepts, and assessment findings to plan, prioritize, implement, and evaluate increasingly complex nursing care. Students will expand their professional role and leadership capabilities, incorporating clinical judgment with evidence-based practice to ensure quality and safety in patient-centered care. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester III standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 442 Leadership Principles in Nursing

3 credit hours

This course focuses on nursing leadership in the delivery of healthcare and development of the nursing profession within complex healthcare environments. Theoretical principles are applied to effectively manage patient care through coordinating, delegating communicating, utilizing resources, and promoting quality and safety. The influence of legal, ethical, economic, sociologic, cultural, and regulatory factors on nursing practice will be examined. Prerequisite: Semester IV standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 451 NCLEX Test-Taking Strategies

1 credit hour

This course focuses on specific strategies for preparation for the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Students will examine their performance on diagnostic and predictor tests/quizzes and develop a clear plan for study after graduation. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester IV standing in the Nursing Program. Corequisite: NURS 490: Nursing Capstone.

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NURS 452 Gerontological Nursing

2 credit hours

Exploration of the field of nursing that focuses on care of the older adult with chronic conditions. Includes unique healthcare needs of seniors, nursing approaches to managing these needs, ethical and legal issues that impact senior care, and exploration of the richness and wisdom of life experience shared by these members of society and families. Prerequisite: Senior standing in nursing program or by instructor permission.

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NURS 475 Field Experience

1-6 credit hour

Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This advanced experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

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NURS 481 ECG Interpretation

1 credit hour

This course will review cardiovascular anatomy and physiology and basic electrophysiology. Students will understand wave-forms, intervals, segments, and complexes. Through cardiac rhythm strip analysis, recognition of sinus, atrial, ventricular arrhythmias, and AV heart blocks will be emphasized. Prerequisites: BIOL 221 Human Anatomy & Physiology I, BIOL 222 Human Anatomy & Physiology II, NURS 311 Pathophysiology, NURS 312 Pharmacology, NURS 301 Nursing Care of Adults with Acute Conditions, or instructor permission.

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NURS 483 International Medical Missions

1 credit hour

This hybrid course will be learning about various aspects of Healthcare in economically disadvantaged countries. This will include studying tropical diseases not commonly seen in the United States as well as discussing general aspects of medical missions, both short-term and long-term. We will examine health issues of impoverished and underserved areas and evaluate interventions, resources, and programs for disease prevention and health promotion there. Cultural awareness and cultural humility will be an important concept throughout our discussions. This course would be beneficial for any student interested in medical missions or serving in an economically disadvantaged country in the future.

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NURS 484 Advanced Pharmacology

1 credit hour

This nursing elective course is designed for senior students to review the pharmacology topics throughout the program and discuss additional medication. This will include discussions of the most common NCLEX drugs as well as overviews of medication recently approved by the FDA.

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NURS 485 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

An advanced seminar offered on an occasional basis addressing a current topic in the field that is of special interest to students and current faculty.

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NURS 490 Nursing Capstone

5 credit hours

Students in this course will demonstrate successful completion of all College of Nursing program outcomes while working with multiple clients or populations. Students synthesize didactic and clinical learning, fully integrating the clinical judgment model, Baccalaureate Essentials, Scope and Standards of Practice, Nursing Code of Ethics, and Quality and Safety in Nursing Education Competencies into nursing practice across the healthcare continuum. This course prepares the student for successful transition into the professional nurse role. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Semester IV standing in the Nursing Program.

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NURS 495 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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