Program Assessment Lead Responsibilities
In an effort to continuously improve student learning and program effectiveness, program assessment leads coordinate program efforts in the following areas:
Lead the creation and continuous refinement of a program assessment plan that is meaningful, actionable and sustainable. The plan should show how the program supports the four mission elements (Christ-centered community, think with clarity, act with integrity, and serve with passion). Academic program plans should address all degree learning outcomes listed in the course catalog.
Ensure results get compiled and entered into Improve on time.
Ensure program stakeholders analyze results and draw meaning from them; get analysis entered into TracDat on time.
Ensure analysis of results leads to implementation of appropriate changes to program practices, and that these changes are recorded in TracDat.
Lead program mission and assessment plan review and updating on a regular basis to ensure program stays focused and properly oriented.
While the program assessment lead bears ultimate responsibility for ensuring the integrity of assessment practices, this work should not happen in isolation! Gathering and analysis of assessment results should be widely distributed to ensure all program stakeholders are engaged in pursuing program improvement.
Assessment Terminology
The following terms have specific meanings at 性视界传媒. Please contact the Office of Academic Affairs for clarification or if you have questions.
Concise statement of the purpose of an institution, college or program, giving direction to its practices
Broad, general statement of what the program intends to accomplish
Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time-based
Result or consequence actually attained. Can be measured or assessed. Learning outcomes focus on what the student knows or is able to do at end of a program (or course). Note: Use "outcome" instead of "objective," which is input-oriented
Demonstrated capacity to perform the special demands or requirements of particular situations. Commonly used in professional programs.
Indicator of success as measured by specific assessment tool.